Equity Release

We refer this service to Age Partnership

If you are 55 or over and you own your own home, you could qualify for an equity release plan and unlock a lump sum from your property to help you enjoy the retirement you deserve.

The value of your home, minus any outstanding mortgage or any other lending secured on it, can be described as your ‘equity’. An equity release plan enables homeowners like you to unlock some of this value as tax-free cash. Because the funds are yours in the first place – you’re simply ‘releasing’ them – the money you receive is tax-free and can be spent on anything you like.

Do you qualify?

  • Do you own your own home?
  • And is the youngest homeowner aged 55 or over?

If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to these two questions, you are likely to be eligible for equity release.

Is equity release the right option for you?

To find out whether equity release is your best option, you can check what you may be able to release by using our on line calculator. If your happy to take it further you can call us and we’ll make sure one of Age Partnerships independent advisers contacts you to go through all your options.

Fill in the application form

If you decide to go ahead, Age partnership will talk you through the application form. Once you’ve completed the application, they can arrange to pick up all the documents needed.

Receive your money

Most equity release applications take between six to eight weeks to complete. However, Age Partnership will endeavor to keep this wait to a minimum.

Ready to apply?

Get the ball rolling by filling in our online mortgage application form.

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