Important Information

Money Sage operate a referral service for equity release and have chosen Age Partnership as their preferred provider although if required, introductions can be made to qualified solicitors and/or chartered financial planners.

The Age Partnership advisors will tell you everything you need to know about equity release

including the effect on the amount of inheritance you can leave and if your entitlement to means-tested benefits could be affected now or in the future. Equity release may involve a home reversion plan or a lifetime mortgage which is secured against your property. To understand the features and risks ask for your personalised illustration.

You only continue to own your own home with a lifetime mortgage which is secured against your property.

Only if you choose to proceed and your case completes would a typical fee of 1.95% of the amount released be payable (minimum £1,495). Equity release requires paying off any outstanding mortgage. Equity released, plus accrued interest to be repaid upon death or moving into long-term care.

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